Introduction to Generative Networks

This idea came about while in the process of writing another article regarding classifying plant disease using synthetic data. Disclaimer: Complex math backs much of machine learning/deep learning. For this...

6 minute read

Getting Started With Azure Face API

At ConvergeOne we recently showcased a few customer demos involving various face detection and recognition methods. These were rooted in AWS and Azure’s API services (Rekognition and Face API, respectively),...

6 minute read

Peering Inside A Convolutional Neural Network

One hot topic in the field of deep learning is that of ‘model explainability’. In other words, being able to determine how an algorithm came up with the answers it...

8 minute read

House Sale Prediction Using GCP's Vertex AI

Google Cloud just released Vertex AI a few days ago, which is their managed/unified machine learning platform. I started digging into it as soon as it was announced, as it...

5 minute read

Let's Talk Artificial Intelligence

I thought writing a quick post on the topic of ‘Artificial Intelligence’, or AI, would be fun. As you read through this article, keep a few things in mind: this...

5 minute read

Project Crashing - A Prescriptive Analytics Approach

Have you been involved in a project that requires a shortened timeline? It isn’t uncommon for project deadlines to be imposed after a project kickoff occurs, or to attempt to...

13 minute read

Basics of Graph Databases - Part 2

This article is a continuation of Basics of Graph Databases (Part 1) which focused on an introduction to graph databases, Neo4j and the Cypher language. Introduction In this article we’re going to...

12 minute read

Basics of Graph Databases - Part 1

This is Part 1 of 2. Part 2 will be focused on deploying/configuring and building/querying a graph database in Neo4j on Microsoft Azure. From recommending new friends or contacts to...

5 minute read